Zone Conference, Salamis Revisited, Barnabas Museum and Larnaca Branch

We never tire of the majesty of the variety of trees and flowers here. If you look carefully you'll see a cactus weaving its way up through the flowering tree. Our Zone Conference held in Nicosia. Elders and Sisters, we love them all. Our gathering outside at Liberty Monument which I believe we referred to last blog. Somehow we always have to/like to eat when we're together. Elder and Sister Lamb, the senior couple in Nicosia, are a lovely addition to our Island missionaries. Somehow we missed sharing this photo from a previous Zone Conference but it captures some elders who have since returned home. They leave a significant void in the mission and our hearts. Lovely ladies in the branch, Rumi and Pauline. Elder Kiddle with Jules, a friend from Congo. He keeps Elder Kiddle on his toes with his French. Roseanna and Mary. Roseanna is from the Phillipines and Mary is from Nigeria. We've visited Salamis previously but it's a...