People we Love, Sea Baptisms and Omodos

Goodbyes are difficult, especially when you've become so attached to these fine young men.  At times I've wondered if having been a boy mom has impacted my fondness for some of these missionaries.  They too offer some tender expressions that communicate the feelings are mutual so that is rewarding.  Elders Huhtala and Hansen will finish their missions about the same time as us but it's not likely we'll connect again with their most recent transfers.  President Russell M. Nelson expressed it well, they are "the choicest spirits of this generation."

And then there's Divine.  Oh I love this sweet girl from Congo.  She'd probably fit in one of my suitcases so I just might try to smuggle her home!  She works such long, hard hours to provide for her family at home. 😥

Sandra is an incredible woman of faith.  And she looks adorable in her maternal fashion.  Just today Sandra gave birth to her beautiful new son. 

You'll recall Bella was married back in June and baptized in July.  She loves fashion and is always dressed to the 9s.  She's also a hairdresser and you never know what color wig she'll show up in.  Love her growing faith.

We sang the hymn below a couple of weeks ago.   Come Unto Jesus – Hymn 117

Come unto Jesus, ye heavy laden,

Careworn and fainting, by sin oppressed.

He’ll safely guide you unto that haven

Where all who trust him may rest. 

Come unto Jesus from every nation,

From every land and isle of the sea……….

Ever he calls, “Come to me.” 

It is such an accurate description of our congregation, every land and isle of the sea but the Savior beckons, come to me.  President Gary Brown, our District President, in sharing his testimony on Sunday noted that those previous to him represented 9 different nations.  Where else can you attend church and worship with such a diverse congregation than Cyprus?  But oh how we love the diversity amongst our branch members. 

Looking out over the City of Nicosia from the chapel balcony.  It is the capital city of Cyprus and a large city.  I find it claustrophobic and so congested with traffic every time we have to go there which is more often than I like.  It is one of the gateways to Northern Cyprus.

I just cannot adapt to these temps............and humidity.  This is 107.6 in Fahrenheit!!  You know it's hot when locals say it's hotter than normal and started earlier than usual.........cannot wait for it to cool a bit.

Just a little group singing after church one day.  

Yes, we get to the beach occasionally.  They are pretty crowded now with the infusion of thousands, literally, of visitors in search of sun and sand.  You can hear so many languages being spoken.

Liberty Monument in Nicosia. It is one of the eleven bastions of the Walls of Nicosia. It features 17 realistic bronze figures placed against a structure in the form of a pyramid of white marble. Liberty is the highest figure with a finger pointing at the sky. Two soldiers open the chains of the prison. The prisoners come out of prison looking around with different emotions, which reflect on their faces. Among the people in prison are priests, soldiers, civilians, villagers, ordinary people, men and women.  The Monument was completed in 1973.

Nearby to the Monument is where Cyprus was dedicated by Joseph B. Wirthlin 14 September 1993 for the preaching of the gospel.

We visited the location following our Zone Conference.

Look at these smiles.  Me with a van full of elders on our way to go bowling.  
Elder Kiddle is at the wheel.

You know when you're in a room of young men when a wrestling match breaks out.

It's their love language!!

Sometimes I capture images of the yummy food we enjoy.  Fish is often served with the head on.

Seafood platter some friends enjoyed.  Not much of an octopus fan.

The magical Blue Lagoon, such luscious water, beautiful clarity and so very warm and buoyant. 

The Angelettas, Kiddles and Lambs.

The ladies bobbing in the sea.

The mission van which we utilize sometimes and is a major source of transport when large groups are involved.

P-day Bowling in Nicosia

Faces we love.

I'll never tire of bougainvillea.  It showcases in many colors but this one was so lovely.

Cristian's baptism was Friday evening, August 10 in the sea.  It is a sweet experience to watch someone's faith grow and progress to the point of being desirous to enter the covenant of baptism. 

Elder Kiddle performed the sea baptism, witnessed by his wife Bella and Elder Bartsch. 

Cristian and Bella

It was probably 95 that evening so even though everyone was wet it wasn't uncomfortable.

Cristian, Bella, Sister Kiddle & Elder Kiddle

Saturday we enjoyed a lovely day with Lambs, another senior couple, on a visit to Omodos.  It's a charming Cypriot village in the foothills of the Troodos Mountains.  It is home to a monastery with relics dating back to Early Christianity before 300 AD.  These were some of the antique icons throughout the museum.  

The woodwork was amazing.  Check out that ceiling and the arched corridors

Period clothing of people who died in the resistance during the fight for independence from Great Britain.  Cyprus became independent in 1960.

Probably the best Cypriot meze we've had on the Island.  Absolutely delicious.

I'll never tire of arches.

Such intricate woodworking.

Such lovely cobbled streets.



Entrance to the Timios Stavros Monastery

One of the things the villagers are proud of is a piece of encased blood stained rope purportedly used to secure Jesus to the cross.  Additionally, is a piece of Phillip's skull in a secured box, and a piece of wood that came from the cross where Jesus was crucified.

Beautiful icon of the Nativity.

Extraordinary lace which the Village is known for.  It's known as pipilla (needle laces).  Such a delicate art believed to have Byzantine origins.  

Sweet little ladies are positioned on chairs throughout the Village working on their creations. 

So many beautiful doors.

Monastery bell.

Amazingly detailed woodwork.

One more door just because I love all the doors.  Ah, the adventures continue and we are so grateful. 

 Occasionally, people inquire about our safety given the chaos raging right next door, literally.  Israel is but an hour’s flight away.  Today we were in Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus.  We took a friend to the British High Commission to apply for a visa to be able to go to London to attend the temple there.  The office is in a pretty commonplace area of the city, high rises, business offices, etc.  We saw a few police cars randomly parked.  From where we parked and then walked to our destination, we encountered a few more and then concluded the necessity for their presence as we walked past the Israeli Embassy.  There were armed guards outside an entrance to the building.  Such things remind you that there is conflict in the region.  

We continue to be advised that we are in neutral territory and Cyprus is positioned to offer support and aid and have declared they will not engage in the conflict.  A branch member in Nicosia is in the U.S. Embassy there and keeps President Nelson apprised of anything of concern.  Cyprus is known as a “sanctuary for thousands escaping war in the volatile region.”  And we are positioned with the capacity and infrastructure to receive thousands being evacuated.  In 2006 there were 30,000 people who left Lebanon during hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah.  Certainly we don’t wish for a repeat. 

We remain grateful for the wonderful opportunity we have in being here and enjoying the many sweet and sacred experiences we have.  

Elder and Sister Kiddle 



  1. I am overwhelmed by your pictures and descriptions- you really do a wonderful job helping us experience your mission at least in small measure. Your love for the missionaries and warm, lovely people in Cyprus is so evident. Keep up the great work and God bless you both!

  2. I was so touched to read this post and see all of the pictures! What beautiful people you are blessed to work with and serve. You are such a blessing in their lives and the relationships you are forming will be treasured forever! May the Lord continue to bless you both! We love you guys!

  3. You guys have been on my mind almost every day as tensions mount in your part of the world. Thank you for sharing these wonderful words and photos of the divine work you guys are participaing in that part of the Lord's Kingdom... Elder Kiddle was an inspiration to me as a young country boy from Georgia while serving in France. Both of you continue to inspire me with the work you're engaged with.... Wishing you the best.... Embrace air conditioning when you can get it... That's even hotter that life here in Georgia which is hot and humid this time of year.

  4. Loved your comments ❤️ and beautiful pictures.

  5. What a blessing you both are to so many! I have been praying for you with the extreme temperatures Cyprus has been experiencing. Us 'northern folk' melt easily. Cyprus has been mentioned so much in the news of late as it is a sanctuary and staging area for many around the world trying to escape the horrors of war. Thank you so much for taking me on your travels and activities through this blog and photos. It has enriched my life so much. Wish I could be there to give you both a hug. Hang in there, fall is coming. With my love, Sandy


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