Farewells and Athens Conference - What a Final Week!

Elder Jody and Sister Karen Cornia
Their arrival in Larnaca after a LONG day of travel.  We were so happy to learn they were coming to replace us.  Even knowing that and having had a few Zoom calls with them, there was something about their arrival that delivered a moment of reality, and upon seeing them my eyes were flooded with tears.  They were here to replace US because we were leaving.  A few moments of sadness washed over me.  But oh what lovely people they are.  We spent about four days together in the process of transition.  There was something peaceful about passing the reigns to them once we became acquainted and knew that the Larnaca Branch would be in good hands. 

What was to have been our monthly game night turned into a surprise farewell party for us.  And of course what do you sing, "God Be With You Till We Meet again."  Lots of teary eyes for that one.
Stephen, Lucy, Helen and her son Daniel, Cristian, Bella, Rosanna, Williams, Mary and a friend.

Oh how we have grown to love these people.  
Elder Cornia, Elder Campbell, Elder Wahl, Williams, Friend, Mario
Sister Cornia, Hellen, Marcel, Cristian, Bella, Sister Kiddle, Elder Kiddle, Friend and Friend
Stephen, Rosanna, Lucy, two Kurdish Friends, Mary

Roseanna Moderno

Mary Conten

Elder Wahl baptizing Moses the day before we left. Bella and Williams (fellow Nigerians) were witnesses.

Bella, Moses, Elder Wahl, Williams

Sunday with some of our Branch members.
Sister Cornia, Devine, Mario, Oliver Jest (behind), Elder Kiddle, Elder Campbell, Bella, Sister Kiddle, Elder Wahl, Rosie, Moses, Williams, Robert Watts, Marcel.
Roberta, Sandra Wilson and baby, Lucy.

Hugs to Sister Brown and Sandra Wilson

Sweet Abbi Jest and Sandra Wilson

Elder Campbell, Moses and Elder Wahl

Elder Kiddle, myself and President Mario Georgiev

October 20, 2024 - Leaving Larnaca with tender hearts and so many sweet memories.  Heading to Athens, Greece.  Lugging our boat anchors.  Thank heaven for young missionaries.  Although we didn't have them with us all the time.  We discovered when we arrived at our Air BnB in Athens that our apartment was up a long flight of stairs.  No young missionaries to pack the bags.  Elder Kiddle wasn't sure he would survive.   

Elder Pettitt, who ended up on our flight because he forgot his passport in Paphos which caused him to take a later flight than planned.  They had to turn around and drive back to Paphos, 3 hour round trip.  He had to have it to fly but also because he was being transferred to Crete and would not return to Cyprus.

On the bus ride to Corinth - Elders Huhtala (Finnish) and Wahl (Arizona), Sisters Ioannou (Greek roots) and Elliason (Norwegian)

Elders Duffort (Luxembourg), Pettitt (France), Graub (Switzerland), Elder Huermann and Elder Fronk (Texas) (Serving in Thessaloniki)

Sisters Lopez (Italy) and Verschuure (Italy)

Elder Graub (Switzerland) - what a gem.

Elders Crossley (Utah) and Cassella (Italy)

Elders Lauener (Switzerland) and Hansen (Utah) (so weary from their travel to Athens).

Corinth Canal

Elder Paul Schneider - Terrific young missionary from Berlin.

Ruins at Corinth

Elder Jay Wahl (Arizona) - We want to adopt him!!

The entire Cyprus and Greece Zones together in Corinth.

Chapel in Athens, Greece.  The only chapel in the mission.  All of our other buildings are rented halls.

Missionary choir for the member meeting with Elder Stevenson

Member Meeting in Athens Chapel 

Sister and Elder Cornia with President David Nelson (Mission President)

Athens Acropolis from Mars Hill

Mars Hill where the Apostle Paul delivered his famous speech about the identity of “the Unknown God" as noted in Acts 17.

Elder Bonney and Sister Verschuure playing prelude music prior to the arrival of Elder Stevenson, an Apostle, and his wife.

Sisters Lopez and Ioannou, Elders Schneider, Bartsch, Wahl, Crossley (clipped)
Elder Graub, Elder Huermann, Elders Hansen, Huhtala, Fronk, Pettitt
Elders Mputu and Seguine
Sisters Fordsham and Christensen, Elders Morgan and Lauener, Sister Fronk and new Elder (great pianist).

Sister Hornbarger with new missionary from Utah.

Elder Bonney and viola.  So musically talented.

Elder and Sister McConkie (Europe Central Area Presidency), and Elder and Sister Stevenson with young missionaries and Nelsons.

Elder Stevenson with Mars Hill Plaque commemorating Paul's visit.

After our morning at Mars Hill we met for lunch at the church hall in downtown Athens, followed by an up and personal meeting with Elder Stevenson.  What a wonderful experience to be taught by an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ.  It was a rare and sacred experience.  After our meeting we had our last chances to say goodbye and take photos of many dear missionaries.

How often does an Apostle look you straight in the eye and visit with you?  A moment Elder Graub will never forget.

Elder Huhtala with Elder Stevenson.

Elder and Sister Stevenson were wonderfully warm and thoughtful.

Sisters Christensen and Hornbarger with the big Fin.  Everyone loves Elder Huhtala.

Kiddles and Nelsons (Emily and David), our mission leaders.

Elder Huhtala (Finland)

Elder Lauener (Switzerland)

Elder Jayden Bartsch (Sister Kiddle's pet German)

Elder Morgan.  You would swear he is a Brit but he is Norwegian.  

Sister Eliasson (Norway)

Elder Campbell (Arizona)

Elder Pettitt (France)

The trio departing with us.  (Hansen, Huhtala and Morgan)

In the evening all the Senior Missionaries from Greece and Cyprus met at the apartment of Sisters Christensen and Hornbarger in Athens to share some lovely food provided by them and have some time together.  The evening view of Athens was stunning as the sun dropped in the sky.

At the Athens airport being taken care of by dear Elders Wahl, Graub and Hansen.  Elder Hansen was meeting his parents who were arriving about when we flew and were touring with him as he finished his mission.

Thus concludes our missionary service to the Bulgaria Greece Mission, having served in Larnaca, Cyprus. (November 2023 - October 2024)  We will forever be changed by our experiences there, the people we met and served with, and will cherish the sweet and sacred opportunity it was to be on the Lord's errand in that part of His kingdom.

Elder Roland & Sister Meredith Kiddle  


  1. Wonderful mission!! You have done a great work and your hearts must be full! Thank you for sharing with us! Elder and Sister Wayne and Elizabeth Eng


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