Farewells and Athens Conference - What a Final Week!

Elder Jody and Sister Karen Cornia Their arrival in Larnaca after a LONG day of travel. We were so happy to learn they were coming to replace us. Even knowing that and having had a few Zoom calls with them, there was something about their arrival that delivered a moment of reality, and upon seeing them my eyes were flooded with tears. They were here to replace US because we were leaving. A few moments of sadness washed over me. But oh what lovely people they are. We spent about four days together in the process of transition. There was something peaceful about passing the reigns to them once we became acquainted and knew that the Larnaca Branch would be in good hands. What was to have been our monthly game night turned into a surprise farewell party for us. And of course what do you sing, "God Be With You Till We Meet again." Lots of teary eyes for that one. Stephen, Lucy, Helen and her son Daniel, Cristian, Bella, Rosan...