Residency Permit Week!!!


Our BIG news this week was that we successfully acquired the necessary temporary resident permit on Friday after months of extensive and expensive preparation which began prior to our arrival and continued at length after our arrival here.  It was an unbelievable and pretty frustrating experience to comply with the many requirements to become legal here beyond the 90 days permitted with our passports.  The banking was probably the worst aspect of it all.  Without going into great detail, suffice it to say we would not choose to do any future banking with the Bank of Cyprus which necessitated four different visits totaling approximately 10 hours of time!  But it is done and we can remain here for one year from December 12, 2023.  Our return is uncertain but for now we are legal.

Our blog today is a compilation of random photos consisting of botanical and culinary photos we’ve taken thus far.  And considering it is “winter” here the botanical ones are mostly of interesting plants we’ve see during walks and outings.  Please don’t ask me to identify their names, we just found them unique.

  As for the culinary ones I often take photos of food we’ve eaten when we eat out.  That most often occurs after District Council with the young missionaries, and they usually choose the location.  My cooking here hasn’t been terribly creative for a few reasons.  I don’t like to convert from imperial to metric.  As well, finding the necessary ingredients for many of my recipes has been a challenge.  But we did find salsa yesterday and so life is complete now!  I brought several packets of taco seasoning; I’ve found tortilla shells and now we have salsa so life can go on.

After our successful visit to the Migration office Friday we went with branch members to Famagusta to celebrate.  Famagusta is in the Turkish occupied northern part of Cyprus.  You have to cross the border, present your passport, remove our name tags and navigate the busy streets of this city with so much history, much of it very painful.  Much of the city is fenced off and is referred to as the Ghost City -  a large section of this once sparkling beach city abandoned since the Cypriot war in the 1970s.

Ken and Helen Sheen,  Helen is RS President

Famagusta, also known as Gazimağusa, is a city on the east coast Cyprus. The open areas of the city is known for its preserved 15th- and 16th-century Venetian walls, which are surrounded by a now waterless moat. There are sweeping views from the top of the moat. The Porta Del Mare gate has an iron door and a statue of a winged lion. The huge, honey-colored Lala Mustafa Pasha Mosque was a Gothic cathedral and dates from the 14th century. 

So much eye candy to explore in this old city.

And I even managed to find a fabric store.  Not sure about a return visit.  Somewhat different from what I’m accustomed to, but all part of the adventure.

Tuesday we will go to Athens until Friday to a Mission Conference with the Area President.  We’re going a day ahead for some exploring and why not spend Valentines Day in Athens when the opportunity presents.  More to follow on that visit.

Our Larnaca Branch continues to hum along.  We feel welcomed and are grateful to become better acquainted with these diverse saints.  There’s a level of acceptance that grows with each passing week and we are grateful. 

A few photos of Larnaca Marina area:


  1. Congrats for your year's extension! Sounds like quite an accomplishment! Enjoying all the pics, especially of you and Meredith. Keep up the good work!
    Wayne and Elizabeth

    1. Thanks for the note. We always appreciate hearing from those who follow our adventures.

  2. So much beauty and history! I love the diversity of the people and the land. Thank you for sharing with us. Athens sounds like a fantastic place to spend Valentine’s Day.

    1. Well it's been a pretty diverse setting in so many respects. We're slowly acclimating but sometimes it feels like we're on another planet. Love hearing from you.

  3. Your pictures remind me of these lyrics: "if you're happy and you know it then your face will surely show it.."! Congrats on jumping through all the visa hoops- sounds like an olympic event!


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