Paphos, Baptism and Blue Lagoon


The Last CastlePerched high on a hill top overlooking Avacas Gorge with stunning views of St. George and the Akamas Peninsula sits Viklari near Paphos. The Last Castle -  Authentic Cypriot food, but you must go hungry.

Absolutely glorious views at every turn.

Completely shaded by an overhead of grapevines. Enjoying a lovely meal with the Angelettas and Elders Bonney and Paez.

Elders are always good for an indulgence in a lovely meal.

Such quaint surroundings and orange trees.

I've mentioned previously about the many cats that are on the Island.  It is not uncommon to see cat hotels such as this, shelter from the heat.  And you'll often see dishes lined up with food and water.  And these aren't necessarily someone's pets.  People just feel sorry for them.

We continue to encounter such interesting foliage here.  Have no idea what this is but the pink/yellow combination was interesting.

We celebrated Elder Bartsch's birthday with the Limassol elders.  He is from Germany and was pretty impressed when we pulled off a German meal for him, complete with Rouladen (which we prepare annually for our own Christmas dinner).  He indicated his parents were surprised at the offering as well.  

We cheated with dessert and bought a Black Forest cake which was very tasty.

Another glorious plumeria tree..............ahhhh the fragrance.

We teased Elder Bartsch because we took delivery of a new 2024 Hyundai Bayon just two days after his birthday and told him it's not very many 20 year old elders that receive a brand new car for their birthday!

But look at the temperature.........I'm still convinced we'll be shipped home in melted form!

Remember Bella and Cristian who were married in early May?  She prepared for and was baptized June 12.

Elder Huhtala was instrumental in her teaching and was able to return from Limassol to perform her baptism.  A fine young man.

It was a warm, beautiful evening for a sea baptism.  It was probably 90 degrees at 7:30 pm.  We traveled probably 10 minutes from the chapel to an area where we could comfortably enter the water for the baptism.

Branch members attending the baptism.

Elder Huhtala w/ Bella

A warm hug of reassurance. 

Elder Morgan and I were witnesses.  Such a sweet, sacred moment to experience.

Last weekend we visited Paphos, about 1 1/2 hr. drive for us.  Enroute we passed Aphrodite's Rock, which according to mythology is held in highest esteem and is regarded as the spot where she was born of the sea.

A tad breezy but a beautiful view of the Mediterranean Sea.

We visited some friends while in Paphos and these are a few of the beautiful fruit trees growing on their property.  It continues to amaze me that we are living somewhere where these things grow so easily.  Oranges above, yet to ripen.




Birthday lunch with John and Gina Angeletta.  John is the branch president in Paphos, and it was Gina's birthday.  Another British couple who have made their home in Cyprus.

Beautiful Coral Bay Beach

We attended the Paphos Branch and participated in their Munch & Mingle afterwards.

I have to be totally honest.  I am not always brave enough to try the dishes that are contributed.  I felt totally justified this time round because it was indicated that a couple of them were FIRE hot, which I simply cannot tolerate.  

Elder Paez returns to Athens today and home to Sweden Tuesday.  Oh that I had a daughter........there would be an arranged marriage and he would be my son-in-law!!  He is an amazing young man.  We will miss him so and are grateful to have rubbed shoulders with such a spiritual giant.  It's so amazing to me that you can become so attached to someone who could be my grandson, by virtue of serving together.  Reminds me of the statement, we serve because we love and we love because we serve.  So very true.

We considered buying this Lamborghini and telling the boys we spent their inheritance.  This was Latchi Harbor about an hour from Paphos.  We spent last P-day there with the elders and Angelettas

Just a little bit of $$ docked in the harbor.

I have NEVER experienced water like this; buoyancy, warmth, clarity and amazingly blue.  So magical.

Elders Paez (Sweden) and Huhtala (Finland).  They're already making plans for visits.

The beautiful Blue Lagoon with dear friends.  Such a magical place.  

Charming smile.

Every third Friday we hold a game night at the church.  Pizza, treats and games.  It's always a fun evening.  And the competition at Jenga becomes intense.

Elder Bartsch's engineering mind is manifest when he engages in Jenga.

We'll check in again if we don't melt!  We trust your summer months are being thoroughly enjoyed with friends, loved ones and lots of watermelon.


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